Personal Rescue Lights

A “Personal Rescue Light” is designed to clip to a USCG Approved Life Jacket and will greatly assist in locating a person that has accidently fallen overboard or been thrown overboard due to adverse weather conditions during hours of darkness. These PRL devices are inexpensive and can be activated Manually or be Automatically Activated when they come in contact with water. In addition, they contain a powerful Strobe Light to assist in a Search / Rescue situation.
We are pleased to offer the ACR line of Personal Rescue Lights for all Mariner’s. These marine devices may save a family or crew member’s life one day. So, remember “Be Prepared on the Water.”

8 products found in Personal Rescue Lights

ACR C-Light™ - H20 - Water Activated LED PFD Vest Light w/Clip
  • $21.99
ACR C-Light™ - Manual Activated LED PFD Vest Light w/Clip
  • $15.99
ACR C-Strobe™ - H20 - Water Activated LED PFD Emergency Strobe w/Clip
  • $24.99
ACR C-Strobe™ - Manual Activated LED PFD Emergency Strobe w/Clip
  • $18.99
  • $65.99

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ACR FireFly PRO Waterbug SOLAS
  • $72.99

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ACR SM-3 Automatic Cob Buoyant Marker Light Strobe USCG/SOLAS
  • $129.99
ACR Survival Res-Q™ Whistle w/18" Lanyard
  • $6.99